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Live2D Production Studio


The following Q&As apply to VTuber clients, or clients who are looking for Live2D character-related service. If you are looking for Live2D Game Assets's commission, please contact us directly.

Please notice, that due to the limits of Q&A, the answers to these questions may not fully apply to your circumstances. If the Q&As doesn't solve your problem, or you have any questions that are not listed, the best to solve your questions is to directly contact us, through "Contact" page on our website.

About Commission
  • You can start a rig commission by filling in the "Live2D Rig Commission Request Form" on our "Commission" page. Once we receive your request, we'll gather the information we need, and send you a proposal along with our quote.

    Before that, you'll need an illustration of the character you want us to rig in PSD format. Afterward please filled the form in our "Commission" page, so we can give you a quote and set up everything including pre-check procedue. Once the progress is completed, we can then start working on your project. If you do not have an illustration, Astraia can provide a one-stop service to complete the entire progress. Astraia has number of artists that are experienced in Live2D workflow, which reduces the supervision cost and communication errors while providing a much smotther commission experience.

  • You can start an artwork commission by filling in the "Live2D Art Commission Request Form" on our "Commission" page, or commission another artist for your character art. Once we receive your request, we'll gather the information we need, and send you a proposal along with our quote.

  • For rig, if you accept our proposal and quote, we'll contact you directly through Discord/Email for further communication. After confirming everything, you'll need to make the upfront payment, then we'll assign a rigger to start working on your project. Once they finish their work, Astraia's customer service will send you a showcase video for confirmation. After confirmation, the rigger will configure and pack the model, meanwhile, you'll need to finish the final payment. After payment, the rigger will send the model file, and the commission progress will be considered finished. Please note that after-sale services are not part of the commission progress.

    For art, if you accept our proposal and quote, we'll contact you directly through Discord/Email for further communication. After confirming everything, you'll need to make the upfront payment, then we'll assign an artist to start working on your project. Once they finish their work, Astraia's customer service will send you a watermarked version of the art for confirmation. After confirmation, the artist will export the final art, meanwhile, you'll need to finish the final payment. After payment, the artist will send the art file, and the commission progress will be considered finished. Please note that after-sale services are not part of the commission progress.

  • The fees will calculated by your character design and your requirements's complexity. Moreover, communication on requirements, PSD preparation, potential fixes, and re-work are all factored into the total fee. Therefore, there won't be two projects cost the same.

    Learn more about commission price at here.

  • Astraia takes 50% upfront and 50% final payment plan. As payment method, we use Stripe as our payment platform. Due to the region limit, we don't use PayPal. You can either request an invoice from us or directly make payment through our website.

  • For art commission, usually you'll get the art file including .psd file and .png file.

    For rig commission, usually you'll get the model file only, no project file is provided under any circumstances.

    For copyrights, please read more at our "Terms of Services" page, "Usage and Copyrights" part.

  • Until now (06/2024), Astraia won't accept such projects but keeps the possibility of accepting such projects in the future.

  • You can check our previous works categorized by artists at our "Showcase" page.

About Art and Materials
  • The PSD file used for Live2D rig needs to be separated into different layers following rigging logic, and the operation to separate art into different layers is usually called "cut".


    Astraia suggests you commission those artists who mark themselves as Live2D artists, who usually will be more experienced in cut and how the art for Live2D usually works. Astraia also will run a pre-check procedure before we start your project, to make sure your art meets our standards to proceed.

  • Astraia needs to make sure your art file is cutting properly, and everything you require is included. All instructions we give out are based on our professional experience in the Live2D aspect.


    For example, if some parts are not cut properly, your model might look unnatural at the linking part; Or, if parts are not cut and still link with other parts, we might can't make sophisticated movements; Or, if there're pixel-dirt or transparent edges, the model might look unnatural and flawed; Or, if you asked for a hand-pose but they're not included in art, the rework progress might throw off all schedule.


    Astraia is aiming for high-quality results, which means we care about the product's final quality just like you do.

  • The complexity of the character design will affect the workload. Astraia needs to have a complete grasp of relevant information, including layer counts, numbers of toggles, animations, and expressions, in order to calculate and estimate the total cost.


    Therefore, without your PSD file and your requirements, we are unable to provide a precision quote.

About Art Commission Progress
  • Usually, the art commission will take around 2-4 weeks.


    Please notice that different projects will take different times to finish, so the estimated time might not fully apply to your circumstances.

  • Since Astraia is a for-profit studio at all, so we won't treat the multiple layers model as a challenge. To us, more layers mean more workload, longer work time, and more effort to put in. Therefore, Astraia will count for art's layers, and extra fees for layers might apply depending on the art's complexity.

About Rig Commission Progress
  • Usually, rig commission will take around 1-2 weeks.


    Please notice that different projects will take different times to finish, so the estimated time might not fully apply to your circumstances.

  • Toggles are items which can alternatively select to triggered by press key-bind buttons, such as  coat/jacket on/off, new hairstyles, new outfits, glasses, animal ears, etc.

  • Expressions are similar to toggles, but much easier on production, usually used to enhance character's emotion, such as blushes, sparkle eyes, heart eyes, etc.

  • Astraia usually use VTube Studio for debug and config. We suggest you use Vtube Studio for the best experience, but the model should be compatible with all main-stream face capture softwares.

About Communication
  • Usually we'll contact you and discuss with you through Discord. We also use email for communication methods.

  • Please learn more at "Communication" part at our "Terms of Services" page.

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