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Live2D Production Studio

  • Astraia respects every single client, so please also be patient and be nice to Astraia.

    Here in Astraia, we won't treat clients differently, so as a client, we respectfully ask you also to be nice to every artist and staff in Astraia.

    Please don't use other artists' work as a reference and ask Astraia to provide similar art styles or works.

    Here in Astraia, we focus on providing Astraia-style works to our clients instead of imitating others. If you do have needs of your preferred art style while commissioning, Astraia will try our best to combine the characteristics of the style you desire with our work, but the main theme will always be Astraia's style.

    Given Astraia's limited scale and output capacity, we won't provide some of the special production requirements.

    Special requirements including furry , monster and insect characters.

    Astraia doesn't take those commissions that may require an unreasonable, beyond-reason's number of revisions.

    As long as Astraia has not yet confirmed the formal commission with the client - which means you haven't made any sort of payment yet - you are free to cancel the commission.

    Once you make any kind of payment, there'll be no refund in most of the conditions, except those that meet our refund policies.

    Astraia have the rights to refuse or cancel any commission that we deem unsuitable.

    If the commission goes beyond our abilities or if Astraia is simply uncomfortable with it. However, Astraia is not required to state our reasons if they're personal or we do not wish to share them.

    Astraia have the rights to post the commission works on our social media platforms with Astraia's watermarks as our portfolio, unless the private unshowable fee is paid.


  • In order to contact Astraia, usually you can choose Discord, official site, Twitter and VGen.

    For Discord, it will be the primary method to contact Astraia.

    We'll use Discord for further discussion once you have the intention to commission Astraia.

    For the official site, it will be the secondary method to contact Astraia.

    You can directly make a commission through our site, or start a conversation with our customer service if you are interested in our service.

    For Twitter, you can send DMs to our official account if you are interested in our service.

    For Email, you can send your requirements to if you prefer Email.

  • For now, Astraia uses Stripe as its primary payment methods. You can also directly make payments through our website.

    Limited by country and location, Astraia can't take PayPal as one of the potential payment methods.

    Prices listed are for personal use.

    Including streaming, original character, etc. For commercial use like anime, games, and production usages, please contact Astraia for details.

    Astraia are taking prepayment plans.

    Which means we take 50% upfront and 50% follow-up payments.

    Payment order will determine the order in the queue.

    Please check the Queue page to confirm the estimated finish time for your commission.


    All prices listed are in USD.

    Once payment have been made, the client acknowledges work and deliverables are digital and there are no physically shipped goods to receive.

  • Basic Price

    For Art:

    Standard - Start from $900

    - For basic or complicated design

    - 5 Free Expressions

    - Rig-Ready .PSD File

    - .PNG File for the Art

    Lite - Start from $600

    - For simple or lite-basic design

    - More Simple Colored and Lined Method

    - 3 Free Expressions

    - Rig-Ready .PSD File

    - .PNG File for the Art

    For Rig:

    Standard - Start from $800

    + Character Breath
    + Individually and Carefully Adjusted Physical Parameters of Each Component
    + Extremely Vivid Facial Expressions
    + Natural and Fuid Body Movements, Tilt and Shaking
    + Detailed to Finger Body Movements
    + Exclusive Facial Expressions Designed according to Character
    + Exclusive Body Movement Designed according to Character
    + Exclusive Physics
    + Showcase Video
    + 5 Extra Expressions for Free

    *Please notice, all describes above will be as same standard as our showcase video shows. Please subject to our showcases at our "Showcase" page.

    **VBridger will charged separately.

    Lite - Start from $500

    + Character Breath
    + Physics Only For Main Highlights in Eyes

    + Less Mouth Form

    + Smaller Angle for Head and Body Movements

    + Fewer Physics

    + 3 Extra Expressions for Free

    Extra Layers (Only Applied for Rig)

    Astraia won’t treat multiple layers as a challenge for free, under any circumstances. Astraia also don’t encourages for artist to have more unnecessary layer for live2d model. More layers means more workload, which means more time spend on a project. Therefore, commission with huge amount of layers will charge extra fees.

    Subject to Adobe Photoshop’s automatic calculation, standard layer number is 100, above 100 will lead to 15% extra in total for each 50 layers. (Which means 100-150 layers won’t charge extra, 150-200 layers will charge 115% in total.)

    For art+rig commissions, Astraia won't make useless layers to charge more. All PSD files will be sent before start rig, and we'll only proceed once you confirm we can move on.

    The percentage multiply won’t count any other extra’s price, which means it will only affect the basic price.

  • For rig commission, please confirm you have the art file ready when you request a commission.

    Astraia will check the art file to make sure it's ready for rig since there are possible revision requirements for the art. If the delay during revision between the client and artist caused a delay in the whole plan, Astraia won't take any responsibility.

    If you don't have art yet but want to save a spot on the waitlist, please leave a note when filling out the commission form.

    If you do so, Astraia will assume you've already read and accepted our Terms of Services Policies.

    If you have very strict deadlines, please confirm them with Astraia in advance. Remind again, that if the revision between you and your artist caused the delay of the strict final deadline, Astraia won't take any responsibility.


    If you are urgent on time but still want to commission Astraia, please consider urgent commission. Under such circumstances, you can pay x1.5 of the total price to jump to the next in the queue. x2.0 to get a finished model in the next 24 hours after payment, x3.0 to get the model in the next 12 hours. Be advised, that the urgent commission won't affect other clients' schedules and cause delays, and the quality of the final product will not be affected. Keep in mind the final decision is still Astraia's. Astraia won't take complicated character design and extensive revision for urgent commissions due to we can't guarantee the deadline if the design is too complicated.

  • For art commission, please filled our commission form carefully. The info you provide will directly been used to the art making progress.

    The basic price of the art commission won't float a lot. If your design is complicated, extra fee might applied. If your design is simple, discount might applied either.

    For extra expressions, hairstyles, outfits, gestures and arm poses, extra fee might applied.

    At sketch stage, you can ask unlimited changes to the design, but please make sure your revision advice is clear and precise. Once proceed to the line-art stage, you can only ask for color plan's change, with minor adjusts on shape. For major adjusts, adjustment fee might applied. Once proceed to the final stage, you can only ask for minor adjusts, any major adjusts might applied adjustments fee.

    If you have very strict deadlines, please confirm them with Astraia in advance. Remind again, that if the revision between you and your artist caused the delay of the strict final deadline, Astraia won't take any responsibility.

    We currently only provide 48 hours urgent commission for art, so please shedule your time carefully. The price will starting from x2.5 at least.

    All adjustments, except the revision of sketch of art commission, will follow Astraia's Adjustment Rules:

    • You can ask revision/adjusts for 3 times, with unlimited contents

    • But you can ONLY ask for 3 times. Adjustments fee might applied from 4th adjusts/revision.

    • Please try to propose everything you want to adjust/revision at once.

  • Astraia don't accept group reviews for the final result, please don't ask several of your friends to compare the final result with other artist's work and ask for revisions based on your discussion results.

    Here at Astraia, we provide 3 chances for revisions, but you can provide all of the places that need to be fixed/adjusted in one single chance. But please try your best to make your requirements clear, and avoid the words like "I don't know what I want but I need it fixed".

    Astraia can only make minor adjustments or bug fixes during the normal revision progress, instead of making huge changes in main parts or entire style.

    If you really need a major adjustments, please discuss with us about adjustments fee.

    Please don't take other artists' work and ask Astraia to make similar changes to their works. Please confirm Astraia's art style through our portfolio and showcases.

    Astraia is not suitable for commissions requiring extensive, unreasonable, beyond reason's number of revisions and extremely strict requirements regarding details, for example, moving specific part for several pixels.

    If the revision is caused by the client's reason, such as redoing and undoing some changes, there might be an extra fee for the adjustments, besides its own costs.

  • Please credit Astraia as "Astraia" or "Astraia Studio" as rigger when you post any work related to our commissions.

    Please don't use Astraia's product in any kind of NFTs.

    Please don't re-sell Astraia's product in any circumstances.

    If you do so, Astraia will keep the rights to refuse making any sort of adjustments and after-sale services to the new owner or organization.

    The model won't have copyright problems.

    You can use the model for streaming, product production and video productions. If your model will be in a game, movie/anime or any other commercial activities, you'll need to purchase the Commercial Use permission for the copyrights.

    Astraia won't provide or sell the project files in any case. No exceptions.

  • Usually there are no refund in most circumstances, especially after you confirm and accept Astraia's policies.

    No refund for conditions below:

    • You don't want it anymore.

    • Your artist didn't send you art/didn't send to you on time so you don't want our service anymore.

    • Astraia has already clarified everything before your payment, but you think it's too expensive due to extra things/extra layers/rig itself so you don't want it anymore.

    • Your friend think the final result is overpriced so you don't want it anymore.

    • You don't think the final result worth the price, and you want a partial refund.


    Only conditions below will consider refund:

    • None of the Astraia's could finish the commission.

    • Severe communication problems during commission. including no replies without any explanation/notice or ghosting for more than 7 days.

    • Final model quality severely unmatch Astraia's showcase video's model quality.

    • Model file have severe problems/bugs, which totally can't loaded/ be used.


    In other cases, refund will be decided according to the specific circumstances, and the final interpretation rights belongs to Astraia.

  • Once you confirm the showcase video and accept the model file, the rig progress is consider finish. All the adjustments and fixes after you recieve the model file is consider "fix", and the model itself is already "finished but need adjustments/fixes", not "unfinished".

    All exists bugs can be fixed anytime. But if it's about contect re-make, adjustment fees might applied. If you want to add new parts/things/objects to the model, it will consider as a new commission.

    Astraia can answer simple software and capture issues, but we won't provide a step-by-step guide on everything.

    All Astraia's showcases are recorded with VTube Studio, along with iOS face capture. The model supports all mainstream capture software.

Astraia's Terms of Services

*Please read the full "Terms of Services" policies before sending a commission request to Astraia. Astraia Studio reserves the right of final interpretation of all terms and policies.

By commissioning Astraia, we will assume that you have already read and agreed with all the rules written below.

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